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@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
## Generates a Disk Report for all the devices in a specific group.
#Enter the percentage threshold for disks to be flagged.
$threshold = 94 #Integer
# Variables From Ninja
$ClientID = "" #String
$ClientSecret = "" #String
$GroupID = 0 #Integer
# Variables to be used for mailing
$MgTenantID = ""
$MgUserID = ""
$MgClientID = ""
$MgValue = ""
$ToAddress = ""
$Subject = ""
#Gets the API token and creates the headers for subsequent calls
$body = @{
grant_type = "client_credentials"
client_id = "$ClientID"
client_secret = "$ClientSecret"
redirect_uri = "https://localhost"
scope = "monitoring"
Write-Host "Connect Ninja API"
$API_AuthHeaders = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"
$API_AuthHeaders.Add("accept", 'application/json')
$API_AuthHeaders.Add("Content-Type", 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')
$auth_token = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri https://eu.ninjarmm.com/oauth/token -Method POST -Headers $API_AuthHeaders -Body $body
$access_token = $auth_token | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'access_token' -EA 0
$headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"
$headers.Add("Accept", "application/json")
$headers.Add("Authorization", "Bearer $access_token")
Write-Host "Connected Ninja API"
## Main
Write-Host "Import Microsoft.Graph Modules"
Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Graph.Authentication -Force
Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Graph.Mail -Force
Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Graph.Users.Actions -Force
Write-Host "Imported Microsoft.Graph Modules"
# Calls Ninja's API and assigns all the device IDs of the devices in the "Disk Report" Group to an array
Write-Host "Get Device Group"
$deviceIDs = @()
$deviceIDs = Invoke-RestMethod "https://eu.ninjarmm.com/api/v2/group/$GroupID/device-ids" -Method 'GET' -Headers $headers
Write-Host "Got Device Group"
# Starts a thread jobs to go through every Device ID and put the output into an Array
Write-Host "Get Disk Report"
$fullDiskReport = ($deviceIDs | ForEach-Object -Parallel {
# Pass through Varibles to thread
$ID = $_
$headers = $using:headers
$threshold = $using:threshold
# Calls API to get details for the device and assign to variables
$device = Invoke-RestMethod "https://eu.ninjarmm.com/api/v2/device/$ID" -Method 'GET' -Headers $headers
$hostname = $device.systemName
$volumes = $device.volumes
$orgID = $device.organizationId
$locID = $device.locationId
Write-Host "Get Device Disk Report For: $hostname"
# Calls API to get the Organization the Device Belongs to and assigns to a variable
$organization = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://eu.ninjarmm.com/api/v2/organization/$orgID" -Method GET -Headers $headers
$orgName = $organization.name
# Calls API to get the All Locations in the Organization, find the Location the Device is in and assign it to a variable
$locations = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://eu.ninjarmm.com/api/v2/organization/$orgID/locations" -Method GET -Headers $headers
ForEach ($location in $locations){if ($location.id -eq $locID){$locName = $location.name}}
# Starts a loop to go through every Volume in the device, Only looking at Local Disks and putting the output into an Array
$DeviceDiskReport = ForEach ($volume in $volumes){
if ($volume.deviceType -eq "Local Disk"){
# Assigns values to variables and formats them
$name = $volume.name
$capacity = [math]::Round(($volume.capacity / 1GB),2)
$free = [math]::Round(($volume.freeSpace / 1GB),2)
# Try/Catch to stop error when capacity is less than 0.5GB
Try{$PercUsed = [math]::Round((($volume.capacity - $volume.freeSpace) / $volume.capacity)*100,2)}
Catch{$PercUsed = "Error"}
# Crates a flag to show whether a volume will need to be investigated
if (($PercUsed -eq 100) -or ($PercUsed -eq "Error")){$needsIv = $false}
elseif ($PercUsed -gt $threshold){$needsIv = $true}
else {$needsIv = $false}
# Formats Data to Copy Pasta into Halo Ticket
if ($needsIv -eq $true){$ticket = ($hostname + " Disk Space on " + $name + " Drive at " + $PercUsed + "% " + $free + "/" + $capacity + "GB")}
else {$ticket = "N/A"}
# Creates Object of DiskReport Class and assigns properties
$DiskReport = [PSCustomObject]@{
DiskLetter = $name
DiskCapacity = $capacity
DiskFreeSpace = $free
DiskPercentageUsed = $PercUsed
NeedsInvestigation = $needsIv
TicketCopyPasta = $ticket
# Creates Object of DeviceReport Class and assigns properties
$DeviceReport = [PSCustomObject]@{
OrganizationName = $orgName
LocationName = $locName
HostName = $hostname
DeviceDiskReport = $DeviceDiskReport
DiskLetter = $null
DiskCapacity = $null
DiskFreeSpace = $null
DiskPercentageUsed = $null
NeedsInvestigation = $null
TicketCopyPasta = $null
Write-Host "Got Device Disk Report For: $hostname"
} -AsJob | Wait-Job | Receive-Job)
Write-Host "Got Disk Report"
# Sorts Array into Alphabetical order
Write-Host "Sort Disk Report"
$fullDiskReport = $fullDiskReport | Sort-Object -Property OrganizationName, LocationName, Hostname
$filteredDiskReport = ForEach ($DeviceReport3 in $fullDiskReport){
$NeedsInvestigation = $false
ForEach ($DiskReport2 in $DeviceReport3.DeviceDiskReport){if ($DiskReport2.NeedsInvestigation -eq $true){$NeedsInvestigation = $true}}
if ($NeedsInvestigation -eq $true){$DeviceReport3}
Write-Host "Sorted Disk Report"
# Bit of logic to format the child objects correctly with the parent object, but I don't remember why or how it works, I just know it works
# Just joking I do, but its hard to explain, So: For each Object in the report it will output the Device Data then, For each disk within the device, get the disk data and add it to an array, sort the array then output it
Write-Host "Filter Disk Report"
$fullDiskReport1 = ForEach ($DeviceReport1 in $fullDiskReport){
$DeviceReport2 = ForEach ($DiskReport1 in $DeviceReport1.DeviceDiskReport){$DiskReport1}
# Sorts the disks in alphabetical order
$DeviceReport2 = $DeviceReport2 | Sort-Object -Property DiskLetter
$filteredDiskReport1 = ForEach ($DeviceReport4 in $filteredDiskReport){
$DeviceReport5 = ForEach ($DiskReport3 in $DeviceReport4.DeviceDiskReport){$DiskReport3}
# Sorts the disks in alphabetical order
$DeviceReport5 = $DeviceReport5 | Sort-Object -Property DiskLetter
$doubleFilteredDiskReport = ForEach ($DeviceReport6 in $filteredDiskReport){
$DeviceReport7 = ForEach ($DiskReport4 in $DeviceReport6.DeviceDiskReport){If ($DiskReport4.NeedsInvestigation -eq $true){$DiskReport4}}
# Sorts the disks in alphabetical order
$DeviceReport7 = $DeviceReport7 | Sort-Object -Property DiskLetter
Write-Host "Filtered Disk Report"
# Outputs to html file in current directory
Write-Host "Create Disk Report Files"
$fullDiskReport1 | ConvertTo-Html -Property OrganizationName, LocationName, Hostname, DiskLetter, DiskFreeSpace, DiskCapacity, DiskPercentageUsed, NeedsInvestigation, TicketCopyPasta | Out-File "./fullDiskReport.html"
$filteredDiskReport1 | ConvertTo-Html -Property OrganizationName, LocationName, Hostname, DiskLetter, DiskFreeSpace, DiskCapacity, DiskPercentageUsed, NeedsInvestigation, TicketCopyPasta | Out-File "./filteredDiskReport.html"
$doubleFilteredDiskReport | ConvertTo-Html -Property OrganizationName, LocationName, Hostname, DiskLetter, DiskFreeSpace, DiskCapacity, DiskPercentageUsed, NeedsInvestigation, TicketCopyPasta | Out-File "./doubleFilteredDiskReport.html"
Write-Host "Created Disk Report Files"
#$fullDiskReport2 = "./fullDiskReport.html"
#$filteredDiskReport2 = "./filteredDiskReport.html"
#$doubleFilteredDiskReport1 = "./doubleFilteredDiskReport.html"
# Created variables to be used for mailing
Write-Host "Send Disk Report email"
Write-Host "Connect MgGraph"
$MgValue = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $MgValue -AsPlainText -Force
$Secret = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $MgClientID, $MgValue
Connect-MgGraph -TenantId $MgTenantID -ClientSecretCredential $Secret
Write-Host "Connected MgGraph"
$attachmentpath1 = "./fullDiskReport.html"
$attachmentmessage1 = [Convert]::ToBase64String([IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($attachmentpath1))
$attachmentname1 = (Get-Item -Path $attachmentpath1).Name
$attachmentpath2 = "./filteredDiskReport.html"
$attachmentmessage2 = [Convert]::ToBase64String([IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($attachmentpath2))
$attachmentname2 = (Get-Item -Path $attachmentpath2).Name
$attachmentpath3 = "./doubleFilteredDiskReport.html"
$attachmentmessage3 = [Convert]::ToBase64String([IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($attachmentpath3))
$attachmentname3 = (Get-Item -Path $attachmentpath3).Name
$params = @{
Message = @{
Subject = $Subject
Body = @{
ContentType = "Text"
Content = "Find attached Disk Reports"
ToRecipients = @(
EmailAddress = @{
Address = $ToAddress
Attachments = @(
"@odata.type" = "#microsoft.graph.fileAttachment"
Name = $attachmentname1
ContentType = "text/html"
ContentBytes = $attachmentmessage1
"@odata.type" = "#microsoft.graph.fileAttachment"
Name = $attachmentname2
ContentType = "text/html"
ContentBytes = $attachmentmessage2
"@odata.type" = "#microsoft.graph.fileAttachment"
Name = $attachmentname3
ContentType = "text/html"
ContentBytes = $attachmentmessage3
SaveToSentItems = "false"
Send-MgUserMail -UserId $MgUserID -BodyParameter $params
Write-Host "Sent Disk Report email"
Write-Host "Disconnect MgGraph"
Write-Host "Disconnected MgGraph"
Reference in New Issue
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